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Built-In Namespace _global_

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Export the library classes globally.

Method Detail

  • enchant(modules)
    Export the library classes globally. When no arguments are given, all classes defined in enchant.js as well as all classes defined in plugins will be exported. When more than one argument is given, by default only classes defined in enchant.js will be exported. When you wish to export plugin classes you must explicitly deliver the plugin identifiers as arguments.
    Defined in: enchant.js.
    enchant();     // All classes will be exported.
    enchant('');   // Only classes in enchant.js will be exported.
    enchant('ui'); // enchant.js classes and ui.enchant.js classes will be exported.
    {...String} modules Optional
    Export module. Multiple designations possible.
  • type2data()

    Defined in: extendMap.enchant.js.