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Class enchant.Core

A class for controlling the core’s main loop and scenes. There can be only one instance at a time. When the constructor is executed while an instance exists, the existing instance will be overwritten. The existing instance can be accessed from enchant.Core.instance.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
enchant.Core(width, height)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Object which stores loaded assets using their paths as keys.
The Scene which is currently displayed.
The frame rate of the core.
The number of frames processed since the core was started.
The height of the core screen.
Object that saves the current input state for the core.
The current Core instance.
The Scene to be displayed during loading.
Indicates whether or not the core can be executed.
The root Scene.
Indicates whether or not the core is currently running.
The scaling of the core rendering.
The width of the core screen.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Start application in debug mode.
Get the file extension from a path.
Get the core time (not actual) elapsed since enchant.Core#start was called.
keybind(key, button)
Bind a key code to an enchant.js button.
Delete the key binding for the given key.
load(src, alias, callback, onerror)
Loads a file.
Stops the core.
Ends the current Scene and returns to the previous Scene.
File preloader.
Switches to a new Scene.
Removes a Scene from the Scene stack.
Overwrites the current Scene with a new Scene.
Resumes core operations.
Start the core.
Stops the core.
Perform popScene with transition animation.
Perform pushScene with transition animation.
Methods borrowed from class enchant.EventTarget:

Class Detail

enchant.Core(width, height)
{Number} width Optional, Default: 320
The width of the core viewport.
{Number} height Optional, Default: 320
The height of the core viewport.

Field Detail

{Object} assets
Object which stores loaded assets using their paths as keys.
{enchant.Scene} currentScene
The Scene which is currently displayed. This Scene is on top of the Scene stack.
{Number} fps
The frame rate of the core.
{Number} frame
The number of frames processed since the core was started.
{Number} height
The height of the core screen.
{Object} input
Object that saves the current input state for the core.
<static> {enchant.Core} enchant.Core.instance
The current Core instance.
{enchant.Scene} loadingScene
The Scene to be displayed during loading.
{Boolean} ready
Indicates whether or not the core can be executed.
{enchant.Scene} rootScene
The root Scene. The Scene at the bottom of the Scene stack.
{Boolean} running
Indicates whether or not the core is currently running.
{Number} scale
The scaling of the core rendering.
{Number} width
The width of the core screen.

Method Detail

  • {enchant.Deferred} debug()
    Start application in debug mode. Core debug mode can be turned on even if the enchant.Core#_debug flag is already set to true.
  • <static> {*} enchant.Core.findExt(path)
    Get the file extension from a path.
    {String} path
    file path.
  • {Number} getElapsedTime()
    Get the core time (not actual) elapsed since enchant.Core#start was called.
    {Number} Time elapsed (in seconds).
  • <static> enchant.Core.initialize(array)

    Defined in: widget.enchant.js.
  • {enchant.Core} keybind(key, button)
    Bind a key code to an enchant.js button. Binds the given key code to the given enchant.js button ('left', 'right', 'up', 'down', 'a', 'b').
    {Number} key
    Key code for the button to be bound.
    {String} button
    An enchant.js button.
    {enchant.Core} this
  • {enchant.Core} keyunbind(key)
    Delete the key binding for the given key.
    {Number} key
    Key code whose binding is to be deleted.
    {enchant.Core} this
  • {enchant.Deferred} load(src, alias, callback, onerror)
    Loads a file.
    {String} src
    File path of the resource to be loaded.
    {String} alias Optional
    Name you want to designate for the resource to be loaded.
    {Function} callback Optional
    Function to be called if the file loads successfully.
    {Function} onerror Optional
    Function to be called if the file fails to load.
  • pause()
    Stops the core. The frame will not be updated, and player input will not be accepted anymore. Core can be started again using enchant.Core#resume.
  • {enchant.Scene} popScene()
    Ends the current Scene and returns to the previous Scene. Scenes are controlled using a stack, with the top scene on the stack being the one displayed. When enchant.Core#popScene is executed, the Scene at the top of the stack is removed and returned.
    {enchant.Scene} Removed Scene.
  • {enchant.Core} preload(assets)
    File preloader. Loads the files specified in the parameters when enchant.Core#start is called. When all files are loaded, a enchant.Event.LOAD event is dispatched from the Core object. Depending on the type of each file, different objects will be created and stored in enchant.Core#assets Variable. When an image file is loaded, a enchant.Surface is created. If a sound file is loaded, an enchant.Sound object is created. Any other file type will be accessible as a string. In addition, because this Surface object is created with enchant.Surface.load, it is not possible to manipulate the image directly. Refer to the enchant.Surface.load documentation.
    core.onload = function() {
        var sprite = new Sprite(32, 32);
        sprite.image = core.assets['player.gif']; // Access via path
    {...String|String[]} assets
    Path of images to be preloaded. Multiple settings possible.
    {enchant.Core} this
  • {enchant.Scene} pushScene(scene)
    Switches to a new Scene. Scenes are controlled using a stack, with the top scene on the stack being the one displayed. When enchant.Core#pushScene is executed, the Scene is placed top of the stack. Frames will be only updated for the Scene which is on the top of the stack.
    {enchant.Scene} scene
    The new scene to display.
    {enchant.Scene} The new Scene.
  • {enchant.Scene} removeScene(scene)
    Removes a Scene from the Scene stack. If the scene passed in as a parameter is not the current scene, the stack will be searched for the given scene. If the given scene does not exist anywhere in the stack, this method returns null.
    {enchant.Scene} scene
    Scene to be removed.
    {enchant.Scene} The deleted Scene.
  • {enchant.Scene} replaceScene(scene)
    Overwrites the current Scene with a new Scene. Executes enchant.Core#popScene and enchant.Core#pushScene one after another to replace the current scene with the new scene.
    {enchant.Scene} scene
    The new scene with which to replace the current scene.
    {enchant.Scene} The new Scene.
  • resume()
    Resumes core operations.
  • {enchant.Deferred} start(deferred)
    Start the core. Sets the framerate of the enchant.Core#currentScene according to the value stored in enchant.core#fps. If there are images to preload, loading will begin and the loading screen will be displayed.
  • stop()
    Stops the core. The frame will not be updated, and player input will not be accepted anymore. Core can be restarted using enchant.Core#resume.
  • {enchant.Scene} transitionPop()
    Perform popScene with transition animation.
    Defined in: widget.enchant.js.
    {enchant.Scene} Finished scene.
  • {enchant.Scene} transitionPush(inScene)
    Perform pushScene with transition animation.
    Defined in: widget.enchant.js.
    {enchant.Scene} inScene
    New scene transitioned to.
    {enchant.Scene} New scene