Class enchant.BinaryInputManager
Class for managing input.
- Defined in: enchant.js
- Extends enchant.InputManager
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
enchant.BinaryInputManager(flagStore, activeEventNameSuffix, inactiveEventNameSuffix, source)
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
event name suffix that dispatched by BinaryInputManager.
The number of active inputs.
event name suffix that dispatched by BinaryInputManager.
- Fields borrowed from class enchant.InputManager:
- broadcastTarget, source, valueStore
Method Summary
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
bind(inputSource, name)
Name specified input.
changeState(name, bool)
Change state of input.
Remove binded name.
- Methods borrowed from class enchant.InputManager:
- addBroadcastTarget
- broadcastEvent
- removeBroadcastTarget
- Methods borrowed from class enchant.EventTarget:
- addEventListener
- clearEventListener
- dispatchEvent
- on
- removeEventListener
Class Detail
enchant.BinaryInputManager(flagStore, activeEventNameSuffix, inactiveEventNameSuffix, source)
- Parameters:
- {*} flagStore
- object that store input flag.
- {String} activeEventNameSuffix
- event name suffix.
- {String} inactiveEventNameSuffix
- event name suffix.
- {*} source Optional, Default: this
- source that will be added to event object.
Field Detail
event name suffix that dispatched by BinaryInputManager.
The number of active inputs.
event name suffix that dispatched by BinaryInputManager.
Method Detail
bind(inputSource, name)Name specified input.
- Parameters:
- {enchant.BinaryInputSource} inputSource
- input source.
- {String} name
- input name.
changeState(name, bool)Change state of input.
- Parameters:
- {String} name
- input name.
- {Boolean} bool
- input state.
unbind(inputSource)Remove binded name.
- Parameters:
- {enchant.BinaryInputSource} inputSource
- input source.