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Template: Codeview 1.2
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Class enchant.widget.Prompt

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
enchant.widget.Prompt(content, ac, ig, placeholder)
Prompt dialog.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
content of prompt.
Fields borrowed from class enchant.Entity:
backgroundColor, buttonMode, buttonPressed, compositeOperation, debugColor, opacity, originX, originY, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, touchEnabled, visible
Fields borrowed from class enchant.Node:
age, parentNode, scene, x, y

Class Detail

enchant.widget.Prompt(content, ac, ig, placeholder)
Prompt dialog. Use from normal enchant.widget.PromptScene.
{*} content
Content to display.
{String} ac
Label for agreement label.
{String} ig
Label for cancel button.

Field Detail

<static> enchant.widget.Prompt.value
content of prompt.