Class enchant.Group
A class that can hold multiple enchant.Node.
- Defined in: enchant.js
- Extends enchant.Node
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
Child Nodes.
The Node which is the first child.
The Node which is the last child.
origin point of rotation, scaling
origin point of rotation, scaling
Group rotation angle (degree).
Scaling factor on the x axis of the Group.
Scaling factor on the y axis of the Group.
- Fields borrowed from class enchant.Node:
- age, parentNode, scene, x, y
Method Summary
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
Adds a Node to the Group.
insertBefore(node, reference)
Incorporates Node into Group.
Remove a Node from the Group.
- Methods borrowed from class enchant.Node:
- moveBy
- moveTo
- Methods borrowed from class enchant.EventTarget:
- addEventListener
- clearEventListener
- dispatchEvent
- on
- removeEventListener
Class Detail
var stage = new Group(); stage.addChild(player); stage.addChild(enemy); stage.addChild(map); stage.addEventListener('enterframe', function() { // Moves the entire frame in according to the player's coordinates. if (this.x > 64 - player.x) { this.x = 64 - player.x; } });
Field Detail
Child Nodes.
The Node which is the first child.
The Node which is the last child.
origin point of rotation, scaling
origin point of rotation, scaling
Group rotation angle (degree).
Scaling factor on the x axis of the Group.
Scaling factor on the y axis of the Group.
Method Detail
addChild(node)Adds a Node to the Group.
- Parameters:
- {enchant.Node} node
- Node to be added.
insertBefore(node, reference)Incorporates Node into Group.
- Parameters:
- {enchant.Node} node
- Node to be incorporated.
- {enchant.Node} reference
- Node in position before insertion.
removeChild(node)Remove a Node from the Group.
- Parameters:
- {enchant.Node} node
- Node to be deleted.